When children miss hear song lyrics it can take us by surprise!
I’m a bit hooked on Facebook. When looking through the Wakefield Mumbler page I spotted a conversation about things children miss hear. One of these comments was a misheard song lyric from Little Mix, Shout out to my eggs, instead of Shout out to my Ex.
This admittedly got me giggling and wondering what other song lyrics children mistake and substitute something else. So, I posted on my FB page and loads of you responded!
Here are just a few of my faves!
Uptown wanky one, uptown wanky one. I’m guessing this is from Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson. Not sure he’s get away with that one however our kids can!
An absolute classic from Disney’s “Let it Go” The pasta’s in the pan (the past is in the past). Not quite sure Elsa was singing about pasta, maybe she was! Another little one has decided to changed Let it go to where’d it go!
Apparently the next one is my fault. I often change song lyrics personally I find it creative and fun. One day we were in the woods on a musical Forest Adventure. After we had made sensory bottles I started to sing ‘Shake your bootie’ which I then changed to ‘shake your bottles’. Only one little girl apparently continues to sing: Shake your Boobies. OOOPS!
The Christmas season has just passed us and poor old Cliff’s Mistletoe and Wine has been uncannily changed to Hollywood and wine. I wonder whether Paul Hollywood has had anything to do with it? Hmmm.
Where would we be without kids songs? Counting songs are great for learning and understanding numbers and 5 current buns in a baker’s shop is a favourite amongst many children. However, one little boy is apparently quite clear that there are 5 current buns in a bacon shop!
Now, I will never be able to hear the next song in quite the same way again. Thank you for the days by the Kinks has had the words changed by one child to Thank you for the dead. Well why not? Has a rather somber feel to it though.
I have to admit I don’t know the last song, however it made me snigger. I’m a tot. Je suis un tot has been changed to I’m a hot cheesy tot!
Children are so funny without even knowing it and how can we ever correct them? I hope they have made you giggle today as much as they did me!
Has your child miss heard any song lyrics? Please share them by commenting below and I will add them to this post.
Creativity is key to having an enquiring mind which is why I always encourage children to change words if they like (maybe not encourage some of the above though!). See my other post about encouraging creativity here.
Have a great day!
