Early Years & Primary Music Resources
Need EYFS & KS1 Music Resources ?
With over twenty years of experience working with young children and their parents, nurseries and in schools here are some great resources for you to download. These are tried and tested with brilliant game ideas for developing pulse, pitch and rhythm and also sharing, taking turns, collaboration, literacy and numeracy skills, creativity, confidence and more! Check out my blog for more ideas!

My First Songbook is packed full of rhymes and songs for parents and their young children. With activities ranging from birth to pre-school age you will be able to help your child develop through use of song and movement. Singing is great for language development, bonding, confidence, developing mathematical skills and creativity. Those working in EYFS may find it useful too with some great tips in how to develop children musically. All the audio tracks are available through Soundcloud
A follow up songbook with more rhymes and songs for parents and their young children. With activities ranging from birth to pre-school age you will be able to help your child develop through use of song and movement. Singing is great for language development, bonding, confidence, developing mathematical skills and creativity. Those working in EYFS may find it useful too with some great tips in how to develop children musically. All the audio tracks are available through Soundcloud
A collection of 5 songs and rhymes around the theme of Space. Full instructions of activities to do with children and song links provided where needed. Children will learn unconsciously musical concepts such as pulse, pitch, rhythm and dynamics and will also build essential life skills such as sharing, collaboration, confidence, creativity and self-esteem.
Suitable for Early Years, Reception and Yr1
Suitable for Early Years, Reception and Yr1
Space - songs & rhymes activity sheets
Five rhymes and songs about Spring.
Full actions, games and extensions for all songs and rhymes with links to mp3 sound files to help with learning the songs.
Teach musical elements such as pulse, dynamics, pitch, timbre and phrasing whilst also covering the topic of Spring, counting, phonics, sharing, turn taking, gross and fine motor skills.
Songs and rhymes are great fun for children whilst learning.
Spring - Songs & Rhymes
Four Winter songs and rhymes about rain and snow. Good for developing phonemic awareness, language and literacy skills and number counting. Plenty of actions for gross and fine motor skills as well as working together.
Musical development of pulse, musical rest and dynamics.
Opportunity to create new songs or rhymes from these.
Suitable for Early Years and Reception
Winter - songs and rhymes
Music and British Values
A set of six songs with actions and games which link to and promote British Values in EYFS: Independence, Individuality, sharing, respect and tolerance, following rules and collaboration.
Suitable for Early Years, Reception and KS1
Songs and rhymes which link to British Values
Songs for Outdoors
Five fantastic songs and rhymes for about the Outdoors for young Children. Great for movement and even taking outside to the playground. Includes song links and game ideas to promote:
Listening skills, Language and literacy development Numeracy skills Sharing, collaborating and turn-taking Individuality Gross Motor skills, movement, spatial awareness skills Development of musical concepts pulse, pitch, dynamics and rhythm.
Early Years Music Lesson Plan
A 20 minute music lesson plan for Early Years. 4 fun and different musical games to encourage children to feel pulse, sing solo, work together develop listening skills, pitch matching and confidence. Song links and video link provided to assist you in teaching. These songs can be used separately as a 5 minute music game.