Music Consultancy
I can provide music training and consultancy for Early Years & Primary settings. Bespoke music curriculums designed to give the best music education in an easy to understand format. Structured but exciting and fun music lesson plans that are inclusive of every child in your setting.

Schools or Private Music Businesses
Music learning is a fantastic way to inspire children and meet curriculum goals. Singing is inclusive of every child and is especially beneficial for children struggling with language and children who need additional support. Music learning can be especially good for neurodivergent children when taught in visual, audiotory and physical forms to stimulate and focus children. Most of all it is a fun way of learning!
Early Years Music
Music in Early Years Settings is vitally important for children’s development and gives children the best start.
Intoducing music learning into your early years setting is vital. I can create bespoke learning plans for early years which incorporate fun games, singing, movement as well as basic musical concepts (pulse, pitch, dynamics, rhythm). I have a proven track record that these lessons work, having delivered many early years sessions in different settings. Your children will not only have fun but they will develop musical skills. Teaching music doesn't have to be difficult and it isn't about just singing nursery rhymes, choosing the correct repertoire is important for young voices. Check out these Early Years resources.
Need a bespoke lesson plans for teaching children or adults? I can produce plans that incorporate learning musical skills and concepts as well as playing the ukulele, with recordings and videos to help you get the best out of your students.
For the past few years I have been working with Lucy Sparkles designing a ukulele curriculum for young children and as the plans have been so successful I am currently producing Level 4 for the business.
Eek my ears! Whenever I hear about children playing recorder parents always say how awful it sounds. Well, it doesn't have to be awful if it is taught properly. Control over breath is just as important as understanding pitch, pulse, rhythm and dynamics. This is where singing really helps. If you can control your voice you can control your breath.
Having worked in primary schools teaching recorder, I can tell you the lessons work. There is no fast track though, music learning takes time and it is better to create good habits from the beginning than try to correct bad ones.
Music plans for SEND
All children are different but I have yet to come across a child who doesn't like singing or music. As a mum of two neurodivergent children I am well aware of the benefits singing and music brings to them. Even if it looks like children aren't engaging they are still absorbing. My son is autistic, ADHD and PDA so attending an early years music class was always going to be difficult. Too noisy, too many people, too many different sounds, the expectations of sitting. He is now ten and I hear him singing, beautifully in tune, regularly as he plays computer games. I know this is his way of regulating his emotions. My 18 year old has played instruments over the years however the expectation on completing exams has created anxiety - yet they still love singing and music. In fact they now regularly sing and play ukulele.
So, how can you help lay a musical foundation?
Do you want to set up a choir or singing group?
I have experience in running and setting up singing groups for adults and children. The focus is on fun, musical learning, building confidence and self-esteem. You do not need to read music but as a leader you will need musical knowledge and a good singing voice.