If you work in Early Years or Primary education you will know all about phonics. Phonics is a method used for teaching reading and writing of the English language and helps children develop phonemic awareness – how letters sound. In Jolly Phonics there are 42 letter sounds which are shown in groups in the table below.

These sounds are very important in the English language and songs and rhymes are fantastic for developing phonemic awareness.
You can hear the sounds here
Just like in Jolly Phonics, where learning is multi sensory, learning songs and rhymes using the Kodály approach is also multi sensory. Jolly Music is a fantastic selection of books in the Jolly learning series written by top British Kodály tutors Cyrilla Rowsell and David Vinden.
Here are my top songs and rhymes for helping children’s speech and phonemic awareness of course there are many, many more! I have highlighted some of the sounds to show you where they occur.
Copy Cat, Copy Cat
Sitting on a door m at
Cuck oo where are you
Here I am I see you
Jelly on a plate
Jelly on a plate
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble
Jelly on a plate
Flutter, flutter butterfly
Flutter off into the sky
Flutter, flutter very fast
Wave to me as you go past
Bye, bye butterfly
Burney Bee, Burney Bee
Say when will your wedding be?
If it be tomorrow day
Raise your wings and fly away.
Doggie, Doggie where’s your bone
Someone stole it from my home
Who stole your bone?
I stole your bone
Cobbler, Cobbler mend my shoe
Get it done by half past two
Half past two is much too late
Get it done by half past eight
Rain is falling down
Rain is falling down
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter
Rain is falling down
Engine, Engine number nine
Going down (Chicago) line
If the train should leave the track
Will I get my money back?
Yes, no, maybe so.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear turn around
Teddy bear, teddy bear touch the ground
Teddy bear, teddy bear show your shoe
Teddy bear, Teddy bear that will do
Chop, chop, choppity chop
Chop off the bottom and chop off the top
What we have left we will put in the pot
Chop, chop choppity chop.
Fishy, Fishy in the brook
Daddy catch him with a hook
Mummy fry him in a pan
Baby eat him like a man!
Fuzzy, wuzzy, was a bear
Fuzzy, wuzzy, had no hair
Fuzzy, wuzzy, wasn’t really
Fuzzy wuz he?
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jump over the candlestick
One, two, three, whee!
Five fat sausages
Sizzling in a pan
All of a sudden
One went bang!
Enjoy using these songs many of which can be found in Jolly Music get your copy here!
There are lots more songs on Think Cre8tive Group's The Daily Smile
