Calming music helps sleep
Finding calming music can help your child to relax and also feel empowered and more confident. Helping your children relax is important, it's a life skill they'll love.
When my daughter was young I felt that calming music would be a really important part of her life and so from being a baby I sang to her and played classical music to help her go to sleep.
Singing to your baby can also be one of the most soothing and comforting things you can do as a parent, however not all of us feel confident in doing so. The Majors for Minors is a series of CD compilations of classical tunes which are soothing and relaxing for your baby or child to listen to. You can buy these on Amazon here. I always found she loved listening to this music!
If you love singing then sing to your baby. There are lots of lovely easy songs to sing.
As she grew a bit older and started school I found that she became quite stressed and lost confidence in herself and then found these fantastic meditation CDs from Relaxed Kids. Each CD has a different focus: Nature, Fairy Tales and the Enchanted Meditations. Narration accompanied by calming music and sound effects the CDs take children on a journey of imagination and discovery encouraging them to relax parts of their bodies bit by bit. Before each meditation there is a relaxation exercise. Helpful for building confidence and self-esteem my daughter is still using them now even though she is 11. Check them out at Amazon here
We recently started Yoga together as she's been finding it difficult to sleep sometimes - the stresses of being in Year 6 I think! Listening to these and the Yoga has really helped her drift off into a deeper sleep - something which is definitely needed in a changing girl!
Lastly, if you are looking for calming music Indigo Dreams do a nice set of CDs based around sounds from the sea, rainforest, nature etc. These are sound effects with calming music to help your child drift off and relax. Music is sensory and not only helps to calm and relax frantic mind but can also help release creativity.
Music is powerful as is singing to your baby or child. If you would like to find out more how singing can help check out my classes for babies and young children.
