When you first start singing with your children you need some easy songs to sing. Well, I've got you covered, here's 10 lovely action songs and lullabies that are simple to learn and easy to sing.

Cobbler, mending shoes
This is one of my favourite action songs for children. Having only two notes in a descending pattern, makes it easy for children and adults to sing. Simply singing and tapping your baby's feet and hands; with toddlers getting them to tap their own shoes with their hands (if you do opposite arm to foot as well this encourages crossing the midline and helps connect the right and left brain); with pre-schoolers put your shoes on your hands and tap them together, on the floor or with a partner.
2. Hey Ho
Again this song has only two notes in a descending pattern. A lovely song to sing and rock your baby or swing in a towel or blanket. As children get older you can sing it on a see saw or play a game where you hold hands and lift them up and down. It is surprising how quickly children pick these songs up and they become a part of an everyday routine.
3. Nenne
This is a beautiful Japanese lullaby about a little girl called Reiko. Basically the song says 'sleep Reiko'. What I love to do with this song is say the name of my child instead of Reiko and you could sing all your child's toys to sleep too!

Another lovely lullaby to sing to your child. Try shining a torch in the dark to create the moon in their bedroom.
A great song for when its wet and you want to stay indoors. Practice 'rainy' fingers great for little ones movement. As you sing the song start with hands high and wiggle fingers. On the 'splash' tap the ground or your legs. As children get older you can remove the word 'splash' and sing it in your 'thinking voice' - this is where the musical rest is in the song.
This is a lovely nursery song and can be sung at anytime. Perhaps if you have the glow-in-the-dark stars in your child's bedroom you can make a wish on one. I like to use this song at Christmas time and ask the children what they wish for. It is always surprising what their answers are!

An easy, fun song to sing if you are walking in the rain! We know how much children love puddles - well this song helps get from A to B and also jump in puddles! Everytime you sing 'splash' jump in a puddle. You can also encourage children to do small splashes (say quiet 'splash') and big jumps (say a loud 'splash')!
8. Thula Mama
A really beautiful song to sing as a lullaby. If you listen to the link my Sing It Out group are singing in three parts which sounds lovely however singing only the first part is just lovely to sing to your baby and toddler to get them to sleep.
If you struggle getting your little one to do anything or walk anywhere I find singing this song really gets them moving. On the way up to school I sing this with my son and at the end of the song I sing 'what can you see' and we have a quick look at something - then start again! Normally he would sit down and moan because he doesn't want to walk! You can choose how to walk as well e.g march, stamp, tiptoe.
Trying holding a blanket or towel with your child. Place a doll or teddy in the centre as a passenger. As you sing swing from side to side to the pulse. At the end of the song on the word 'whee!' lift the blanket as high as you can so that the passenger flies up into the air!